PUBG New State

pubg new state

The PUBG world is growing with a new mobile title for iOS and Android. PUBG New State is the new upcoming BattleRoyale that catapults the more futuristic take on the massively multiplayer sort.

PUBG New State takes place after the current PUBG games which are the most famous multiplayer titles in modern times. Based on the initial trailer, it’s a similar vibe to fellow shooter Call of Duty’s Mobile semi-futuristic military tech from games like the Black Ops series.

PUBG New State Developer Krafton Inc has announced that alpha tests will take place following this year, and pre-registration is currently available for Android users, But for now, pre-registration is not with iOS not too far behind. Unluckily, a PUBG New State release date has not been announced yet.

However, PUBG Developer Krafton Inc has declared that the game will release at some point in 2021. For those of you that are excited to give the game a try as soon as possible.

New Features In PUBG New State


PUBG New State features brand new weapon customization, that allows you to remodel weapons in many different ways. 

Different customization kits can provide improvements such as fire rate mode selection, grenade launcher attachments, and many more.

Outside of weapon customization, PUBG: New State also introduces a futuristic ballistic shield, combat rolls, drones, and various more unannounced features. The final new addition is a variation of vehicles that allow you to traverse the map in style.

PUBG New State is not Launching In India

The Indian government has not made any announcement on the launch of the famous battle royale game PUBG Mobile in India. PUBG Mobile banned in the country since September 2020 due to many reasons, A new report suggests that the Developer Krafton Inc could be looking at releasing the newly announced PUBG New State mobile game in India soon.

The circumstances in India haven’t changed at all according to the Insiders. According to our information, the government is not ready to shift from its previous stand. And in no manner, India will be part of the PUBG Mobile New State Launch.

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