Telegram is Launching Group Video Calls and Screen Sharing Feature Soon

Telegram-is Launching Group Video Calls and Screen Sharing Feature Soon

Telegram is Launching Group Video Calls and Screen Sharing Feature In May: After Whatsapp announced the change in its Privacy Policy, millions of users migrated to Telegram making it one of the most popular messaging app. Telegram, the messaging app which goes high on privacy, Telegram is launching group video calls and screen sharing feature soon. Telegram launched the one-on-one encrypted video calls feature in August and now it is set to roll out group video calls and screen sharing feature to their messaging app. According to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the iOS version of Telegram will soon support the new feature of group video calls an incoming month (May).

He also mentioned that this new video calls feature also will support web-based video conferencing. He spoke about how they will be adding a “video dimension” to their voice chats in the coming month (May). And how this feature will make Telegram a more powerful platform for group video calls.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov stated the following in regards to that:

Telegram-is Launching Group Video Calls

“Screen sharing, encryption, noise-canceling, desktop and tablet support — everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption.”

Telegram originally planned to add the video calls feature to its messaging app at some point in 2020. During the pandemic, Telegram has improved vastly while ensuring security for users.

In April 2020, the company highlighted that throughout the pandemic, to mark passing 400M users, it addressed that the global lockdown had “highlighted the need for a trusted video communication tool”. The new features will make their way to both iOS and Android in May.

Telegram introduced a payment 2.0

Earlier this week, Telegram introduced a payment 2.0 wherein traders can create bots to send invoices and receipts to customers. Customers can easily make payments by simply clicking on the Pay button, which will come with the invoice through their credit cards, debit cards, or Google Pay. The company notes that it does not collect payment information and takes no commission.

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